
提問: 骨科脊椎專家 問題補充: 幾個骨科的脊椎矯正專家介紹2009-08-14 11:43 在北京相對好點的 医师解答: 在北京有國外專家和國內的擅長脊柱側彎的: Louis Zwirble博士 美國Life University畢業,國際兒童脊椎矯正協會會員。專業于Gonstead脊椎矯正技術,此療法近55年來有多達400萬例以上的成功矯正案例。專業治療頭暈、頭痛,頸腰背痛,手腳無力,消化系統等問題,擅長治療兒童脊柱側彎。擅長頭暈頭痛、頸肩腰腿痛等外籍專家:馬爾科姆.瑞奇 來自澳大利亞。他畢業于麥考瑞大學,并取得了脊椎矯正學博士學位,使他成為了脊椎矯正醫師。過去20年中,他在澳大利亞黃金海岸從事實踐工作,一直很成功。瑞奇醫生完成了許多博士的課程,并且廣泛游學于世界各地,跟隨世界上最好的脊椎矯正師們學習。瑞奇醫生擅長解決脊椎問題和疾病,同時還有對神經系統的連接。他尤其擅長緩解疼痛和癥狀,矯正那些最初困擾你的的隱藏的更深層次的問題。他專門研究頭痛、脊椎的揮鞭性損傷、慢性頸肩疼痛、腰腿痛、椎間盤突出癥、反復性拉傷和多種病癥的診斷和治療。特別對以下領域有深入研究,如焦慮癥及相關癥狀,由于姿勢不良引起的緊張痙攣,協調功能障礙和疲勞,以清除這些癥狀來提高生活質量。 預約電話:010—84632106、84620581Malcolm RitchieDr. Malcolm Ritchie from Australia. He graduated from Macquarie University with a Masters Degree in Chiropractic. For the past 20 years he has run a successful practice on the Gold Coast, Australia. Dr Ritchie has done many post doctoral courses and travels extensively to study with the world’s best Chiropractors.Dr. Ritchie is interested in spinal problems and diseases as well as the associates nerve problems. He is excellent at relieving pain and symptoms and then correcting the underlying problem that caused them in the first place. He specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of headache, whiplash, chronic neck and shoulder pain, low back and leg pain, disc herniation, repetitive strains and many other disease states. Areas of particular interest include stress related syndromes, postural states that affect tension, co-ordination and energy, clearing the way for a better quality of life.

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